pottery Archives - Trip Planner Japan https://en.tripplanner.jp/topics/tag/pottery Unconventional travel guidance Sat, 27 Feb 2021 03:27:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://en.tripplanner.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/cropped-favicon-32x32.png pottery Archives - Trip Planner Japan https://en.tripplanner.jp/topics/tag/pottery 32 32 7 Places You Must Visit in Tamba-Sasayama to Discover “Mingei” Pottery https://en.tripplanner.jp/topics/1330 Tue, 16 Feb 2021 13:56:56 +0000 https://en.tripplanner.jp/?p=1330 Tamba-Sasayama is a peaceful rural area, only about an hour and a half drive from Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe. It is not so well known in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but it is a popular weekend destination in the Kansai region. Chestnuts, black beans, and wild boar meat are the specialties of the area, and…

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Tamba-Sasayama is a peaceful rural area, only about an hour and a half drive from Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe.
It is not so well known in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but it is a popular weekend destination in the Kansai region.

Chestnuts, black beans, and wild boar meat are the specialties of the area, and many people come here to enjoy the rich food, and you can find some fancy restaurants in the middle of the countryside that have been converted from old private houses.

Chestnuts in Tamba.

A trip to the green, rural area to dine on some delicious food is appealing, but this time I would like to recommend a trip with the theme of “pottery”.

The Tamba-yaki pottery produced in this area is from one of the six oldest kilns in Japan with a history of 800 years. There is a pottery village with about 60 kilns, and it is a sacred place for “Mingei” (folk art) pottery.

Mingei products.

“Mingei” means ‘the daily necessities of the people.’ Made by unnamed craftsmen, the beauty of this pottery was described by the philosopher Mr. Muneyoshi Yanagi. Their simple and practical designs are very appealing, and recently they have been attracting more and more young fans.

If you are visiting from Tokyo, the quickest way is to rent a car from Kyoto, but I wasn’t too confident in my driving skills, so this time I took the train from Shin-Osaka to Sasayama-guchi station and rented a car from there to start my trip to Tamba-Sasayama.

The first place I headed to was the Konda area, where the pottery makers of “Tamba Tachikui-yaki” are located. If you are a fan of Mingei, this is a must-see place.

Lunch Spot: Tama no suke (玉の助)

A quick lunch at a restaurant “Tama no suke” (玉の助) specializing in “Tamagokakegohan” (a dish of white rice mixed with raw egg, seasoned with soy sauce) in the Konda district.

“Tama no suke” lunch set.
For as little as ¥450, you can get rice, miso soup, pickles and all-you-can-eat eggs.

Place1 . Tanso Klin(丹窓窯)

The first place I visited was Tanso Kiln, where the spirit of Mr. Shigeyoshi Ichino is still alive. Ichino trained in the studio of Bernard Leach, a British potter who participated in the Mingei movement, and was a close friend of Muneyoshi Yanagi.

Tanso Kiln

Displayed beautiful Mingel works.

Small slipware dishes and other items can be purchased at relatively low prices.

Place2 . Toshihiko Kiln(俊彦窯)

Next was the Toshihiko Kiln, owned by Mr. Toshihiko Shimizu, who is also a second-generation pupil of Mr. Kanjiro Kawai.

Toshihiko Kiln
Inside the shop.
Underneath the store is a studio where Toshihiko works daily on his pottery.

This kiln has recently become popular overseas as well.

Place3 . Tamba-yaki Tachikui Noborikama(丹波焼立杭登窯)

Located near the Toshihiko Kiln, the Tamba-yaki Tachikui Noborikama Kiln is also a must-see. It is the oldest Noborikama style of kiln in Tamba-yaki and the prefecture has designated it as an important tangible asset of folk culture heritage.

The oldest Noborikama style of kiln in Tamba-yaki

The view of the woodland area from the top is also beautiful.

After the luxurious shopping experience of buying pottery while listening to the craftsmens’ stories, I went to Sasayama, a historic castle town.

Place4 . Tamba Kotokan Pottery Museum(丹波古陶館)

Here, be sure to visit the Tamba Kotokan Pottery Museum and see the masterpieces of Tamba-yaki.

Place5 . Taos Guest House

I stayed at Taos, a century-old traditional Japanese house that has been recently turned into an inn, with a co-working space, dining room, two bedrooms, and spacious accommodation for up to six people.

A century-old Japanese house.

They have a perfect kitchen. You can cook there.

In fact, one of the inn’s specialties is “Mingei tableware”.

An example of the tableware available at the inn. You can use all the beautiful Mingei plates you want.

Why are there so many Mingei folk-art pieces inside? It’s because this inn is run by Plug, a nearby store with a large selection of Mingei pieces.

Place6 . plug (interior shop)

If you find a product you like, be sure to visit Plug as well. This store is also very sophisticated, and you will have a great shopping experience here.


Dining Spot . Shunsai Matabee(旬菜又兵衛)

In the evening, I went to Shunsai Matabee, which is run by Kinmata, a historic ryokan established in the Edo period, within walking distance from the inn.

salad of mackerel and chrysanthemum flower
Persimmon and fig salad
Tempura of mushrooms
Cooked rice with mushrooms

As expected of an izakaya run by a high-class ryokan, all the dishes were delicious and beautifully arranged.

Place7 . Chinese Tea Cafe Kotori

If you want to explore more folk-art spots, head to the Chinese Tea Cafe Kotori.


The interior of the renovated samurai residence next to Sasayama Castle is very tasteful, but the restaurant is actually run by the daughter of Masaaki Shibata, a potter who is also deeply involved in Mingei, and the dishes served here are made with his pottery.

There is also a corner in the store where Mr. Shibata’s pottery is sold.

Mr. Shibata’s tablewares are displayed.

In this article, I have only introduced you to the Mingei folk-art spots, but it is also fun to wander around the castle town, which still retains the atmosphere of the Edo period.

The post 7 Places You Must Visit in Tamba-Sasayama to Discover “Mingei” Pottery appeared first on Trip Planner Japan.

Meet the Innocent Aesthetics and Spirit of “Mingei”, Japanese Folk Art in Tokyo https://en.tripplanner.jp/topics/823 Sat, 23 Jan 2021 08:21:04 +0000 https://en.tripplanner.jp/?p=823 One of the most popular Japanese retail companies in the world is MUJI (Mujirushi Ryohin). They sell a wide variety of household and consumer goods with minimalist design and reasonable prices. MUJI’s brand philosophy is ‘No Brand (Mujirushi 無印 ) Quality Goods (ryohin 良品)’, Even if world-famous product designers such as Jasper Morrison, Konstantin Grcic,…

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One of the most popular Japanese retail companies in the world is MUJI (Mujirushi Ryohin).
They sell a wide variety of household and consumer goods with minimalist design and reasonable prices.

MUJI’s brand philosophy is ‘No Brand (Mujirushi 無印 ) Quality Goods (ryohin 良品)’,

MUJI stores now in all over the world.

Even if world-famous product designers such as Jasper Morrison, Konstantin Grcic, or Naoto Fukasawa designed MUJI’s products, they never divulge the name of the designer on the products, keeping the philosophy of the brand “Muji”.

Muji products are simple in design. Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
This corporate aesthetic is often pointed to as having something in common with the “Mingei”, a unique Japanese art movement.

The concept of “Mingei” (often translated as “folk art”) was developed in the mid-1920s by the Japanese philosopher Soetsu Yanagi.

He believed that beauty resides in practical handicrafts made for the common people not luxury goods.

A timeless and long-loved daily necessity.
Mingei products are always anonymous, therefore, the prices are affordable like Muji. They are never made with artistic intent foremost in mind, they have to be practical, sturdy, and long-lasting.
Tamba is considered one of the Six Ancient Kilns of Japan.

It used to be thought that there was no beauty in the mundane things that were used every day by common people, but the movement of Yanagi and others brought the beauty of common things into the limelight. Now there are stores all over Japan that specialize in selling Mingei works and museums that exhibit only Mingei.

KURASHIKI MINGEIKAN is the second folk crafts museum in Japan.

It is no surprise that Naoto Fukasawa, who was involved in many of MUJI’s product development projects was appointed as the director of Nihon Mingei Kan (The Japan Folk Crafts Museum) in Tokyo, the first and most respected of the many Mingei museums in Japan.

NIHON MINGEIKAN is the first folk crafts museum in Japan.
The museum is unique in that there are no explanations of the works on display. Instead, the museum has the philosophy that “you don’t need to read explanations, but rather see with your own eyes and feel with your heart.”

If you want to experience Mingei in Tokyo, I recommend the following trip.

First, visit the Nihon Mingei Kan (The Japan Folk Crafts Museum) in Tokyo, mentioned above. Next visit the excellent craft shop, Beniya Mingeiten, a 10-minute walk from the museum who have a great selection of Mingei products.

If you want an even larger store,  visit Bingo-ya Mingeiten in Shinjuku, a large store filled floor to ceiling with Mingei products from the basement to the fourth floor.
Mingei has recently become popular among young Japanese people who line up at cool apparel brand shops to get their hands on the best products.
A Stylish store SML is also not far from NIHON MINGEI KAN.
Mingei matches well with all kinds of food, whether Western, Japanese or Chinese, so why not get your hands on some too?
For western food.
For Chinese food.

The post Meet the Innocent Aesthetics and Spirit of “Mingei”, Japanese Folk Art in Tokyo appeared first on Trip Planner Japan.
